Once In A Lifetime Sometimes Never, comes with a lot of BANG. Alan Williams arrives in Toronto in the 70's as an immigrant actor. Over two decades his story unfolds like Ulysses going up the theatrical river. Camus is strapped to the mast of the boat. Alan's nuance and wit captures the inescapable magic of theatre and storytelling. It's an enthralling diary of cinematic details. You feel like the story is happening to you. You somehow become the narrator. This show is a master at work. Toronto has never been so keenly and lovingly observed by an U.K. outsider. After you see this show - you will love your home city more than you thought possible.
September 19 - 21nd and 26 - 28th At 10 Busy Street
Part 1: “Once In A Lifetime Sometimes Never" - THursdays
a lightly fictionalised fable based on the story of ALAN's times in Ontario.
Part 2: “Can’t Get There From Mystery Lake” - Fridays
a lightly fictionalised fable based on the story of ALAN's times in Manitoba.
Part 3: “A Quiet Time On Busy Street” - Saturdays
the story of ALAN's arrival in the strange country HE never thought he'd find himself in known as Old Age.
Alan Williams was born and raised in Manchester, England, and worked with a hull Truck Theatre company from 1972 to 1981. He Came to Canada first to perform his set of monologues "The Cockroach Trilogy" at the Toronto International Theatre Festival, toured Canada the following year, moved to Canada in 1983, and hung around until 1996. In Canada acted in a couple of films, Alan Zweig's "The Darling Family" and Michael McNamara's "The Cockroach Taht At Cincinnati" and acted in a bunch of plays, including the first productions of Morris Panych's "Vigil" and Linda Griffiths' "The Darling Family". Since returning to England has popped up in all kinds of tv shows and movies, like "Chernobyl", "The Crown" and "Rome", while keeping himself amused by writing and performing an interminable series of monologues in the rankest obscurity - until now!
Alan's Genie-nominated performance in his tour-de-force film, The Cockroach Trilogy, is available for FREE for a LIMITED TIME ONLY. Click here to watch.
Video Cabaret thanks our government funding partners for their ongoing support as well as our loyal donors and sponsors from over the years.